Are you within six months of taking your ABC exams?
Build your confidence with the Academy’s Prosthetic and Orthotic Exam Preparation seminars.
Prosthetic Exam Preparation Seminar
April 27-28, 2019/Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, TX
-Transtibial and transfemoral evaluation -Gait analysis and alignment -Manual muscle testing -Range of motion -Transtibial casting -Upper-limb prosthetics -Written and Written Simulation
REGISTER FOR THE PROSTHETIC EXAM PREPARATION SEMINAR [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=tps-3A__www.oandp.org_event_April-5F2019-5FP-2DEPS&d=IFAg&c=JPUDQ3SB9JplYbifm4nt2lEVG5pWx2KikqINpWlZM&r=yaAUHOR6gxxThvjGI9X7hrz_ONYByMAadML4fTENI&m=fk6jP01Ifno_1A57tF4UNVfjWXq2Cp_Nqsmipy52k&s=WK9_R3I9vbEMtVw3dhoP6cWvqbK3cL3mRmMSnLCTc&e=
Orthotic Exam Preparation Seminar
June 29-30, 2019/Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa, FL
-AFO and KAFO evaluation and design-Spinal-trauma and scoliosis-Upper and lower extremity manual muscle testing and range of motion -Gait analysis -AFO casting -Written and Written Simulation
REGISTER FOR THE ORTHOTIC EXAM PREPARATION SEMINAR [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=tps-3A__www.oandp.org_event_June-5F2019-5FO-2DEPS&d=IFAg&c=JPUDQ3SB9JplYbifm4nt2lEVG5pWx2KikqINpWlZM&r=yaAUHOR6gxxThvjGI9X7hrz_ONYByMAadML4fTENI&m=fk6jP01Ifno_1A57tF4UNVfjWXq2Cp_Nqsmipy52k&s=xWbhULKUmUJ4kXz72gP4XodZSLWkt91hnC7JKyH-o&e=
During these comprehensive, two-day seminars, you’ll prepare for the ABC certification exams with a primary focus on the clinical patient management exam and hands-on simulations with patient models.
Our EPS faculty members have eight years of experience running and administering in-person preparatory exam simulations.
Sarah Thomas, CPO, FAAOP: Owner and vice president of Bio-Medic Appliances in Essex Junction, Vermont
Jon Johnson, CPO: Director of prosthetics and orthotics for Cook Children’s Health Care System in Fort Worth, Texas
Registration Fee: $399 (includes all course materials, a binder with reference materials and handouts, lunch and refreshments on Saturday, and refreshments on Sunday).
This one-of-a-kind opportunity is limited to the first 20 registrants and is open to Academy members only.
Not a member? Join today!
Manisha S. Bhaskar
Senior Director of Communications & Development
American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 760
Bethesda, MD 20814
PHONE: (202) 380-3663
FAX: (202) 380-3447