I have two competitors who are doing unethical things that I cannot prove,
but its costing us business, and I’m unsure how to fight it, or even if it
can be fought.
One of them is paying kickbacks for referrals. This has led to our doctors
not getting us the referrals they intend, because their nurses,
secretaries, or workers at the wound care centers are getting kick backs. I
know this for a fact, because I’m friends with someone that works at the
one company, and this individual told me in confidence, being somewhat
guilt-ridden about it.
However, I don’t see how we could prove it, as the ones getting the kick
backs would obviously never come forward, and the individual working at
that other company doesn’t want to lose their job, so….
The other issue is with a second competitor. They have outright stolen
patients with ambulance chaser style marketing, have actually
misrepresented themselves as other companies in the area when the patient
said they were working with company x, they say, “oh, we are company x, a
sister company really.” They have done this many times, actually got shut
down, and have reopened under new names at least three or four times that I
can count. The lawmakers here in texas go after the company, it closes
down, and reopens with a new company name, but with the same people behind
it. I don’t even understand how they are getting away with it. Its possible
the owners are “silent partners” who hire a new prosthetist each time, who
ends up taking the fall in the end, but I’m not entirely sure.
Both instances are really infuriating, but it just seems like our hands are
tied, without any ability to prove the first, and seemingly no way to do
anything about the second. But I thought I’d ask, in case anyone had any
experience combating these two techniques.
Thanks in advance!!!