Hi all,
I have a patient who is in her early twenties with chondromanubrial pectus carinatum. When I apply a corrective force to the prominence, it is rigid but the patient reports that the pressure is tolerable. Given that she is past skeletal maturity and that her prominence is quite proximal, I am not optimistic about getting a positive outcome with bracing but I don’t have any experience with pacts carinatum so I am curious as to what others with more experience would say. I would appreciate any input.
Anne Whitney, CO(c)
Boundless Biomechanical Bracing,
2601 Matheson Blvd E., Unit #9,
Mississauga, ON, Canada
L4W 5A8
Phone – 905-602-0650
Fax – 905-602-0649
Email – [email protected]
VISIT US AT www.boundlessbracing.com