Dear List Members,
A physiatrist has been asked to consult with a surgeon re: recommendations as to surgical level for the revision of a transradial amputee. He asked me to seek out the opinions of prosthetists on our listserv.
The revision surgery has become necessary primarily due to unstable graft sites. The remaining viable tissue would result in a short residual limb length.
The primary question is whether there are guidelines for minimum limb length for a B/E amputation, before considering a revision above the elbow. Among the factors that have been discussed are functional elbow range of motion; length of lever for lifting prosthetic forearm/terminal device; limb loading issues with a short residuum; muscle retention for external power px; etc.
Any input from your positive or negative experiences in fitting similar patients would be appreciated. Also, any guidelines as to minimum length landmarks would also be very helpful.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Dennis Farrell, CP
Milwaukee, WI US