October 19, 2018
Offered by the O&P Technology Programs
Spokane Falls Community College
A mastectomy fitter is an allied health professional who is specifically educated and trained in the provision of breast prostheses and post-mastectomy services.
The MFC course includes fitting, adjusting, or modifying devices that reflect the level of education required to be eligible to take the certification exam.
The course is designed for new mastectomy fitters or as a review course for experienced fitters and has been approved by the ABC and BOC for 8 hours of CME credits and 6 MCE by OPC (Canada).
For information, please contact:
Ruthie H. Dearing, MHSA, JD
Program Coordinator
O & P Technology Program
Spokane Falls Community College
3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive
Spokane, Washington 99224
(509) 533-3231 FAX (509) 533-4143
[email protected]