Spokane Falls Community College
O&P Technology Programs
June 1, 2018
The one (1) day CADCAM CE course will focus exclusively on 4-5 turnkey CADCAM systems. During the morning session, each vendor will offer an interactive
presentation about his/her CADCAM system and provide adequate time for questions and answers. In the afternoon, vendors will provide hands-on demonstrations
to small groups allowing all attendees an opportunity to actually try-out the product with guidance provided by the vendor representative.
The one-day course will begin at 7:00 am and end at 5:00 pm and includes refreshments, lunch, and a parking pass.
The CADCAM CE Course has been approved by the ABC and BOC for 9 hours of CME credits and for 6 MCE by the OPC (Canada).
Registration Fee: $300
For information, please contact
Ruthie Dearing (509) 533-3231 [email protected]
Ruthie H. Dearing, MHSA, JD
Program Manager
O & P Technology Program
Spokane Falls Community College
3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive
Spokane, Washington 99224
(509) 533-3231 FAX (509) 533-4143
[email protected]