Academy Hands-On Prosthetic Exam Preparation Seminar
November 4-5, 2017
Cooks Children’s Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas
Build your confidence with the Academy Prosthetic Exam Preparation Seminar. During this comprehensive, 1.5-day seminar, you’ll go through simulations of all three parts of the prosthetic certification exam, including hands-on simulations with patient models.
Areas of focus include:
* Transtibial and transfemoral evaluation and troubleshooting
* Gait and alignment
* Manual muscle testing
* Range of motion
* Transtibial casting
* Upper-limb prosthetics
Sarah Tomas, CPO, FAAOP, and John Johnson, CPO, have eight years of experience running and administering in-person preparatory exam simulations. Sarah is the owner and vice president of Bio-Medic Appliances in Essex Junction, Vermont, and John is the director of prosthetics and orthotics for Cook Children’s Health Care System in Fort Worth, Texas.
The registration fee is $375 and includes all course materials, a binder with reference materials and handouts, lunch and refreshments on Saturday, and refreshments on Sunday.
This one-of-a-kind opportunity is open to Academy members only. Not a member? Join today at
Class size is limited. Register for the Prosthetics Exam Preparation Seminar at
Manisha S. Bhaskar
Senior Director of Communications & Development
American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists
1331 H Street NW, Suite 501
Washington, DC 20005
PHONE: (202) 380-3663
FAX: (202) 380-3447