Dear all,
For my education International Marketing and Management at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg, the Netherlands I need to make a graduation project.My graduation project will be a reseach to the prosthethic market in Asia.
It is very hard to find specific information about these countries therefore I hope that you can help me?
The research will be especially for the countries China, India, Vietnam and South-Korea.The questions:
For the prosthethic market I would like to know how many amputees there are in these countries? And when possible the numbers of amputees in these countries below the hip?
Does anyone know how many O&P clinics or specialists there are in these countries?
And the hardest information to find for me is what the health insurance reimburse for a prosthethic?This depends on which kind of insurance the inhabitants have but I hope that someone can help me explaining by which kind of insurance this will be reimbursed and untill which amount of money.
Thank you in advance!
With kind regards,
Vivian Bakker