Fellow Orthotist/Prosthetists,
I am writing to inform you all of strange happenings that have taken place over the last two weeks. We received a phone call from a man looking for a female prosthetist. Due to the fact that I am the only female practitioner, he was patched through to talk with me. He proceeded to inform me that he was a bilateral BK and would be moving in the near future to my area and needed a practitioner. He knew ALL the details, how to answer the questions, he was well informed, well versed and then began the creepy conversation. Asking very weird and almost sexually driven questions. Come to find out, he has been charged MULTIPLE times due to a foot fetish. YES, weirdest thing to happen in my career thus far. He has sense called back and talked with one of our office ladies and then followed up to try and make an appointment with me. But it isn’t just funny, he has told a women he wants to cut off her feet, put them in a jar and watch her bleed to death. He has been in the NY!
daily news, the huffington post and has posed as a podiatrist in a ladies clothing store in order fondle their feet (not sure who goes into a ladies clothing store and then runs into a podiatrist and lets them touch their feet, I am just stating the facts). If a man calls your office and begins rather normal conversation but then begins to ask very strange questions, I would be fully aware that this man is an absolute weirdo. He seems to be targeting OandP due to the nature of the field. We have reported this to the police and will move forward with any necessary actions if need be. Just wanting to inform you that though I have dealt with some very strange people in my career, this man is by far absolutely NOT RIGHT.
He is located in AK and has also been charged in LA. Please let me know if there is anyone else out there that has had any type of similar interaction with this guy. Always be aware of who you are dealing with!!
Out of Concern,
Sharidy MacCord, CPO
Roanoke, Virginia