The Craniofacial Society is very excited to announce the formation of an online Journal Club. Chelsey Anderson CPO and Tiffany Maynard CPO with guidance from Dulcy Lima CO have spearheaded this effort. We hope that you will go to the site, click on the Journal Club heading in the tab and after clicking on ‘All Pages” find the initial posting for March 2012. There is a synopsis of two articles and the merits of the research found in each. We encourage you to read the referenced articles in full and then add your comments to the discussion board posted under forums.
The first article by Roby et al is one which may have negative ramifications for orthotists treating babies with cranial deformities:
Roby BB, Finkelstein M et al. Prevalence of Positional Plagiocephaly in Teens Born the “Back to Sleep” Program. : Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery published online 12 January 2012.
The second article by Anna Ohman from Sweden attempts to validate a widely used plagiocephaly severity scale developed by Cranial Technology which uses drawings of increasing severity.
Ohman A. The inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of a modified “severity scale for plagiocephaly” among physical therapists. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. Dec. 22, 2011.
The Craniofacial OnLine Journal Club can be found at
The Academy encourages your participation in the Craniofacial Society and offers a free trial membership on the Society’s networking website. Membership on the Society’s networking website is included with your Craniofacial Society membership. For more information, please visit the Academy’s Scientific Society webpage,
Barbara Ziegler CPO
Craniofacial Society