Hi all,
We all occasionally have patients like I am about to describe and I
could use some help with this one. I have a patient with a very soft
TF residual limb with 6″ femur length. We have come to call her type
of tissue “marshmallow skin” because it can be manipulated into any
shape. She is using a suction socket with TES belt for secondary
suspension and increased hip stability.
The problem we have run into is that no matter how much definition the
socket has or how much training we do on proper donning, she wants to
wear it rotated about 90 degrees. She states this is comfortable and
feels the most natural during ambulation. What do you do when a
patient rotates the socket? Is there a shape you have been successful
with? Do I need to play with different trimlines? Is this a problem
with patient training?
Thank you in advance for your help,
Kristin Faircloth, CPO