Thank you everyone for the suggestions. Of all the suggestions, the “Thrive” from Freedom had several recommendations. The summation of the many responses were:
Can you a piece of polyethylene in his shoe that is heat molded to his foot, that way the toes would stay on and the foot would last longer?
Best, Kenneth RRI
have 280 pound man – logger, and weight lifting and uses a Soleus from College Park – it has served him very well for past 1 1/2 years.
I Have used the BioQuest foot on very heavy patients that also carry loads with some success. It’s not light but with these patients that is rarely an issue. Good hunting! Jim
American Prosthetics in Wisconsin makes a foot that can take up to 5oo lbs.(220 kilos) .The pylon and adaptor are also larger than normal. 30 mm.?
Not exactly dynamic but we can make feet to handle your patient. Ko8 or
KO1 with K20STURDY addition. $185.00 Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
ave you tried the OWW pathfinder. I have used it for about 10 years and it is great, it has more movement and I feel that it helps with break down. If I can help please call. Gerald
Look at the Freedom Innovations Highlander foot custom made.Sounds like you have tried the Ossur Mod3, big difference is the Mod3 takes 3 weeks to fabricate and deliver whereas the Freedom foot takes about a week.
also look for a heavy duty pyramid adapter with pylon and pylon receiver. Freedom makes a kit but it is expensive. check other manufacturers for this. ST &G also makes this similar kit.
We now have the IBEX XD at eMotis-Fillauer which is rated up to 440lbs.
My patient has enjoyed the flexibility of the foot and says he no longer is relegated to where an ultra stiff foot. He weighs about 350 lbs and is an autobody mechanic.