Hello everyone,
I have a patient that I’ve been working with for some time now, history
of same side multiple amputations over the past three years from non
healing fx of the ankle. Prior to the amputation he had multiple
surgeries on the ankle. Started as a Transtibial and is now at a long
Transfemoral level. He states that the amputations have been done for
severe pain which still remains. He is in constant nerve pain with or
without a prosthesis and is trying to avoid heavy narcotic use. He has
tried spinal stimulators and has had several sockets made by different
Prosthetists with no improvement. I’m seeking a physician in New
England that specializes in amputee pain that I could refer this patient
to. Any Prosthetists out there have someone in mind that they’ve sent
tough cases to in the past?
Your input is greatly appreciated.
Christopher J. Phillips, C.P.O.
NEBCO Prosthetics & Orthotics
1 Hampton Rd. Suite 106A
Exeter, NH 03833
(603) 772-2388
(603) 775-7120 (fax)
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