Keep the momentum moving forward on HR 1958!
OPGA is proud to announce that Congressman Tom Latham (R-Ia.) and
Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Ia.) have agreed to support HR 1958, the
Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act of 2011.
The Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act instructs CMS to
enforce an existing policy of only reimbursing licensed, or otherwise
credentialed, orthotics and prosthetics professionals for Medicare
reimbursements. The legislation would also ensure that O&P services
link practitioner qualifications with the type of care and level of
complexity of the device being provided to the patient. A private study
suggests that HR 1958 will save more than $250million over five years by
eliminating fraud and abuse within the system by non-credentialed
Meeting face-to-face with your congressperson is a great way to
personalize the orthotics and prosthetics profession and related issues
to elected officials. Schedule a meeting, or attend a town hall event
with your member of congress while they are back in their home district
over the August recess; ask them to support HR 1958, the Medicare
Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act.
Visit OPGA Government Effects Blog for more information on HR 1958.
AOPA also has a great tool to contact your congressperson and ask them
to support HR 1958, The Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement