I am truly humbled by the numerous e-mails and telephone calls of support for my nomination to the Dept. Of Health and Human Services/CMS Program Advisory Oversight Committee .Thank you all very much.
However, before I have been formally appointed, I wanted you to know that I maybe inclined to decline the nomination if THIS committee is not made up of any representatives from national disability (consumer/patient) organizations whose members are made up of “patients” requiring comprehensive orthotic treatment ie.Spina Bifida, Muscular Scolyosis, Polio,etc.
As you know, my interests largely apply to advocating for amputees and users of comprehensive prosthetics, where according to the solicitation these meetings are exclusive to establishment of the competitive acquisition of durable medical equipment and certain other items and services under the Medicare program.
According to the Federal Register solicitation for nominations,as in Neg Reg, “certain other items,” could apply to comprehensive prosthetics.However, it is my believe that this will be a forum of determining the differences and quality standards of DME and off the shelf orthotics and comprehensive orthotics.
> The potential line up of this committee thus fars appears to be a
> duplication of those organizations/representaives of Neg Reg .
Without representatives nor actual demonstrations and displays of comprehensive orthotic devices, these hearings will most likely have the same result..zero !
Not only was the NEG REG committee made up of any of these organizations, I was amazed that during 9 months of Neg Reg meetings I participated in
2003-2004 there was not one exhibit display to the committee of any of the comprehensive orthotic devices we were asked and attempting to regulate nor NO representatives from any national disability organizations requiring orthotic treatment.
If nothing else these hearings serve as educational courses to CMS to provide them with information.
How is one to educate CMS as to the complexities of providing proper orthotic rehabilitation if comprehensive devices are not used a visual exhibits and without explanation by disability organizations that use them?
Arguments from exclusively O&P providers and industry interests can be interrupted as self serving and turf related.
Get the * “indivisuals” the patients of these services to serve on this committee !!
> I sincerely hope that this time around the Academy and its sub groups
> have a better plan of representing the recipients of comprehensive
> orthotic rehabilitation than just themselves as the providers !
> This new bidding process will establish payment for certain durable
> medical equipment, enteral nutrition, and off-the-shelf orthotics.
> This new bidding process will establish payment for certain durable
> medical equipment, enteral nutrition, and off-the-shelf orthotics.
> I have again urged the Academy members and leadership to target and
> nominate representatives from well funded national organizations of
> those disabled requiring orthotic treatment to help the profession of
> O&P “fight the fight” on the PAOC hearings that will be focused on
> seperating DME from comprehensive orthotic treatment and excempting
> these services from competitve bidding, price freezes,etc.
> “SUMMARY: This notice solicits nominations for * individuals to serve
> on the Program Advisory Oversight Committee that will advise the
> Secretary of Health and Human Services on the establishment of the
> competitive acquisition of durable medical equipment and certain other
> items and services under the Medicare program.
> After all it is the O&P professional providers whom are being ask to
> take the hit with proposed price freezes and deep discounts for
> orthotic rehabilitation (not the manufacturters)and these above
> mentioned organization’s patients whom will be requiring comprehensive
> orthotic servcies, deserve proper representation.
I urge each and every O&P providers to ask the Academy, ABC,BOC and other credentialing and professional O&P organizations whom are truly dedicated to the welfare of the patient, as they all say they are, to solicit nominate and include the appropiate leaders from these national disability organizations on this committee.
> There is a short trigger on the deadline of nominations July 2,2004.
> Tony Barr
Barr Foundation