I have a few places that I will be presenting on accounts receivables – building, collecting, tracking, etc. (AAOP and some state O/P
organizations) Always desiring to do better— could you share what areas are problems that you experience? I have my perceptions, and my experiences, but would appreciate your input so that I can better design the presentation.
For those of you who may have seen my A/R talk, what did you like or what would you like more of? Less of?
Joyce J. Perrone
De La Torre O&P, Inc and Promise Consulting 300 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh PA 15238
ph: 412-599-1112 fax: 412-599-1130
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—–Original Message—–
From: Automatic digest processor [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:04 AM
To: Recipients of OANDP-L digests
Subject: OANDP-L Digest – 27 Jun 2004 to 28 Jun 2004 (#2004-147)
There are 2 messages totalling 79 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Nomination to competitive bidding program committee
2. Mastectomy Fitting Program
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