To the members of the list server:
Over the past several months in collaboration with a specialized engineering company, I am creating a manufactured prototype of the Trautman Terminal Device out of a high grade titianium alloy.
I am seeking interest in production numbers before setting up tooling to create this terminal device. I need to know how many patients, O&P members, and others would be interested in the purchase of this product.
Any input concerning this terminal device from O&P practitioners is welcome. I have several variations of the earlier Trautman terminal devices and have corrected common faults that are true to the older versions. The terminal device retains the same appearance with many improvements.
Please send e-mail regarding interest in this product being brought to market. After enough information is gathered, I’ll be able to relay the target date availability.
Kenneth M. Heide, CPO
Regional Limb & Brace Co.
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