In light of the recent suspension of negotiations between the American Board
for Certification and the Board for Orthotist Certification, the International
Association of Orthotics and Prosthetics, “IAOP”, on behalf of the Advisory
Board, wishes to express their disappointment that the two boards could not
come together as one.
The International Association of Orthotics and Prosthetics membership is
composed of ABC, BOC and Cped’s as well as licensed practitioners that have
peacefully coexisted for the past seven years following the IAOP board of director’s
decision to open its membership to ALL certifees. The belief being:
“Together We Excel”.
This dream was realized only after countless hours and monies had been
expended on Capitol Hill in working with legislators on various O & P legislative
issues. Not only did we have to educate them on what an “orthotist” and
“prosthetist” is – we then had to explain and define the two certification types;
least of which was their concern. The IAOP is fully aware of the struggle and
the adversities that this profession faces and the challenges in the future that
will continue to plague this particular industry.
IAOP having been a paneled member of the Federal Negotiation Rulemaking and
seeing first hand the hurdles and challenges that faced each O & P
practitioner, decided to also be a part of the “consortium committee”. This committee was
formed after it became quite evident to those involved in the negotiations
that “unification” of the field would at the very least, assist in securing a
safety valve for those who work tirelessly treating patients and are often
impeded in doing so.
The IAOP does not endear itself to any particular certifying body and is not
overshadowed by the dictates of same. We are an O & P membership organization
that “together” works for the common good of and for the profession. All
members of this organization have a voice regardless of certification type. We
are saddened that what has successfully worked for us these past seven years,
could not come to fruition where it is truly needed.
We continue to advocate belonging to ALL and as many professional
organizations as possible, not just the IAOP.
We continue to advocate that the certifees attend as many educational
meetings as possible, regardless of what organization provides those forums – as
“education” is never lost.
We continue to advocate and fight for licensing as that is the “real answer”.
Lastly, we will continue to advocate for “unification” between the two
certifying bodies as we have realized the power of one voice.