During the past several years I have been privileged to represent our
profession at the congressional level, before Medicare and most recently
at the RegNeg. It has become clear to me that our profession must
present a united front to be heard.
One credentialing organization for O and P is what we all should be
striving for. Our small, specialized profession provides a much needed
service. Having two certifying bodies just causes confusion to those
outside of O and P and weakens our position when trying to explain what
and who we are.
As a second generation practitioner and facility owner with my children
now in the business, I am deeply concerned about our profession being
able to remain strong and viable.
I support the ABC for approaching the BOC in trying to merge. The ABC
Board of Directors has made a commitment to bring the BOC and ABC
together. They have made some difficult decisions. I hope that the BOC
Board of Directors will reconsider their position and try to work with
the ABC Board.
I believe that the temporary pain of the consolidation will soon recede
and the profession will be stronger for it.
Jon Leimkuehler CPO, FAAOP
Past President ABC 1987, Past President AOPA 2003