The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) recently released
a new product, Mastering Medicare: The ABCs of O&P Billing and
Reimbursement. Developed by the experts at AOPA, Mastering Medicare
provides pertinent O&P-specific Medicare billing and reimbursement
information in one clear, concise book. By using this guide, O&P
professionals will be saved hours pouring over cumbersome language.
This product provides simplified Medicare language and is intended to
serve as a reference and research tool for O&P professionals billing
Medicare. Mastering Medicare is divided into five easy to navigate
sections and includes detailed information on:
-Requirements to file Medicare claims
-Electronic Billing
-Billing Rules
-Use of Modifiers
-Prescription Requirements
-Steps to an Appeal
Mastering Medicare is now available by calling the AOPA Bookstore at
(301) 362-6910, or by visiting
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association T: 571-431-0876
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200 F: 571-431-0899
Alexandria, VA 22314