Have a 14mth old male with an as yet undiagnosed myopathy that results in a 120 degree elbow contracture both arms. An O/T has asked me to produce something that will reduce the contractures. My initial thought was for an adjustable flexion / extension adjustable orthoses using otto bock wrist joints however this `mechanism’ is too `publicly’ exposed. Am weighing up possible benefits as opposed to contraindications as to using either a palmar opening ezeform removable ` gutter type splint’ or a softcast circumferential wrap. The alternate use of normal serial casting materials is unacceptable to the parents. Has anyone on the list used softcast for serial casting ? . Has anyone / or does anyone know of a reasonably priced, removable but effective orthoses that can reduce these contractures ?. Has anyone experience with softcast ie; temperature control ?
Any responses would be appreciated and posted.
Darren J Hughes
Peripheral Reorganization Seen After Transhumeral Amputation
People with transhumeral amputations continue to have muscle activity patterns in their residual arms and experience phantom hand movements. However,...
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