After taking a BOC exam and seeing someone fit a jewett brace upside down
(and pass) I wanted something better. I found it when I got my University
based education in O & P. I now have a degree and a state license which
means more than the ABC credential ever could. ABC had high standards at
one time, but it is clear things have changed for the worse. It’s sad that
the certification that I wanted so much is being degraded. Hopefully the
Academy will continue to promote educated practitioners.
Gerald Martin BS, LPO, FAAOP (cpo)
—– Original Message —–
From: “Automatic digest processor”
To: “Recipients of OANDP-L digests”
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 12:01 AM
Subject: OANDP-L Digest – 6 Mar 2004 to 7 Mar 2004 (#2004-56)