Our computer network / information technology consultant has reviewed our PC
and server anti-virus software, email anti-virus system, and email
transmission / reception logs, and feels that it was very unlikely that the
virus infected email M. Britt Spears reported on in an earlier posting
originated from an Blatchford / Endolite computer. It is troubling to us,
nonetheless, that the “[email protected]” address would be named in such a
context, and we would like to assist in determining the origin of this
In reviewing articles describing this worm / virus (“Bagle” or “Beagle”),
our consultant has found several descriptions of the virus utilizing “From”
addresses that are “forged” with email addresses the virus extracted from
WAB, TXT, HTM, and HTML files located on the infected computer’s hard disk
As such, all of us are in some degree susceptible to being used as a “From”
address by this virus, should someone who has our email address in their
“Address Book” or in a web page stored in their “Temporary Internet Files”
become infected.
As stated previously, we are troubled by this occurrence and would like to
work to locate the infected computer(s). We would ask that anyone receiving
a virus infected email message bearing any type of “From” address
originating from “endolite.com” retain the offending email message in its
entirety (please do not open the file attached to the email message– simply
retain it in a safe place) and contact us. Our consultant has indicated to
us that access to the “Full Header” of the infected email message can be
used to track down the specific computer (“TCP/IP address”) that originated
the infected email message.
Jeff Livingston