Can anyone clarify the new rules regarding the frequency that someone
may receive custom molded shoes.
We have a patient that requires custom molded diabetic shoes and he is
active enough that he would destroy 2 -3 pair per year. I recently
heard that medicare is mandating that an orthosis under 5 years old
could not be replaced, but had to be repaired. How may this apply to
shoes? This gentleman has medicare as his primary and blue cross as his
secondary insurance. My bottom line question is how many pairs of shoes
may this man get within a certain time frame. How many? How often? We
cannot seem to find this information in medicare manuals or on the
website. Thank you. I’ll summarize and post the responses. (by the
way we are in region B if that makes a difference.)
Chris Fairman CPO
Great Lakes Prosthetics & Orthotics
3075 Clark Rd. Suite 100
Ypsilanti, MI 48197