On Jan 1, there was a posting to the ListServ that unfortunately misstated by a wide mark AOPA’s position on combining its National Assembly with the Academy’s Annual Meeting. AOPA’s support for combining the two meetings was and remains strong.
As stated in an open letter to the O&P field, that appeared on the Web sites of the Academy and AOPA and was published in the September 2003 issue of the O&P Almanac, AOPA “supports the single-meeting concept based upon the keen interest of its supplier members and favorable response that its general membership has given to the idea of a joint O&P event.” AOPA maintains that the members of both organizations would benefit by combining the meetings. By eliminating the duplication of expenditures (two preliminary programs, two final programs, etc.) and pouring the merged resources into one comprehensive O&P education conference and trade show, attendees as well as exhibitors would gain from the resulting synergies. For this reason, AOPA remains committed to the single-meeting concept.
Also, despite misconceptions to the contrary, it is important to note that 90% of AOPA members are O&P patient care facilities. Less than 8% of the membership consists of suppliers. And, there is nothing secretive here–a list of all AOPA members is available to the public (and has been for years). To view the entire list of current AOPA members, go to http://www.aopanet.org/memberdir/ and click the “Search Membership Directory” button while leaving all other fields blank.
I would be happy to answer any other questions regarding either of these issues.
Tyler Wilson
AOPA Executive Director
571/431-0876 ext. 202.