thanks for all your promt responses, I look forward to investigating this for
my patient. Below are a few responses as some requested.
The only component that I am aware of that fits your description is the
Stance Control Orthotic Knee Joint (SCOKJ) developed by Horton Orthotic Labs
in Little Rock. (501)663-2908 [email protected] Talk to Tonya
Jim Hoehne
Hi Chris, GO to for the joint in question. Lee
Barrus CO
Yes, Chris it does exist. It is manufactured by Horton’s O&P in Little
Rock, Arkansas. I have a patient in this system now. She is a polio, about
age 65 with a flail leg on one side. She had been wearing a very heavy KAFO
with drop locks. WE did the new one in thermoplastic and metal uprights
with the stance control knee joints. It takes a little fine-tuning but she
seems to be doing well with it. Horton’s has a web site. Check it out.
David A Yates, CPO, FAAOP
Hello Chris,
This knee joint has just been presented in the last few months. It was
developed by Horton Orhtotic Lab. It is called a stance control
orthotic knee joint.
(800) 331-2908
They require one to attend a course they teach, prior to them selling
the joint to you.
I don’t have the info on their web site.