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From: [email protected]
Full-name: JTAndrew
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 02:31:27 EDT
Subject: Re: “Air Purification System”
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I have used the Alpine Air ozone system for about five years with quite
acceptable results. Arnie Lund, CPO in Auburn, CA turned me on to it.
The ionization features theoretically drop dust from the air…unfortunately,
they drop just about anywhere and create as much of a problem on surfaces as
we all experience anyway.
The O3, however, is another story…it kills odors very effectively by
combining chemically with the vapor, turning it into compounds of CO2.
Arnie used it to kill the odor of contact adhesives such as Barge, etc. I
have used it to kill the odor of acrylics, adheasives, acetone, wood smoke
(from dull band saws…!), etc.
They are sold via a multi-level marketing program so the initial units are a
bit pricy…I happen to have an account as I bought a couple to experiment
with. If you’re interested, I can get you some info…I think I can find it
around here somewhere.
In a message dated 7/2/99 1:13:48 PM, [email protected] writes:
<< I was wondering if anyone has first hand knowledge or knows where I can get information on a product form Alpine Industries. It supposedly works to clean the air in three ways: Radio Wave Ionization, "Activated oxygen" (ozone) and negative Ions. I believe these type systems are marketed primarily to hair styling salons and for residential use. I am wondering if this product has usefulness in our field. We aren't really concerned with smells but if there is evidence that such systems can make the air we breath in our labs healthier I would love to hear about it. Eddie V. White, CP Beacon Prosthetics and Orthotics >>