Thank you to all who responded.
Stephen Hockey wrote:
There is a British product called the LA Ankle, which is an ankle joint
designed for swimming that can be locked in a variety of positions from
to full plantar flexion.
Jeffry G. Kingsley wrote:
There are two products on the market to achieve what you want to do. The
Active Ankle from Rampro (US), and the LA Ankle from OrthoEurope (UK).
Contact Masson & Sons in Melbourne or Kingsley 949/645-4401 directly for
either product.
Carlos Quelhas wrote:
You can try a company, based in America, called Rampro.
Terence Gordon wrote:
Ortho Europe in the UK make the LA ankle in a modular and exoskeletal
Best to check out their website or email them
JB wrote:
visit re:LA Ankle
Much appreciated,