Sunday, June 2, 2024

Academy Discussion Panels


Those of us that are passionate about this field would like to benefit from

other’s experience and the exploration of modern prosthetic components,

materials, and design.

We can all benefit from discussion panels at Academy, AOPA, ISPO, and other

international meetings, that seriously consider and debate different

perspectives and perhaps guide the direction of future research.

If we can articulate areas that need clarity, then perhaps research funds can

be directed toward projects that prosthetists/orthotists will find beneficial

in caring for their patients.

Prescriptions are sometimes knee-jerk reactions. Topics such as knee

selection, suspension, feet,interfaces, etc., should be considered in depth

and with awareness of available options. Of course this should be extended to

upper extremity issues as well.

I have a bachelors degree in O&P. Yet, I have had to work hard to get

advanced and contemporary training with a great deal of personal expense.

Having intensive Academic panel discussions with experienced progressive

prosthetists in our field, would do a lot to advance the level of prosthetic

care, and give a readily accessible venue for advanced prosthetics.

This may not be the whole answer for advanced training but it would be a good

start. Postgraduate classes at the universities could be an extension of this.

I would like to suggest that we let the Academy know, via responses to this

post, the topics we would like to see discussed and debated.

Of course, topics in Orthotics would also be included.

Mark Benveniste CP


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