Editor’s Note–April 2022
In this issue we explore ways practitioners approach providing care for patients through adolescence, and how, just as in any relationship with a child, communication methods must reflect unique personalities
In this issue we explore ways practitioners approach providing care for patients through adolescence, and how, just as in any relationship with a child, communication methods must reflect unique personalities
Billing for O&P devices seems to get more complicated by the day. Count on Got FAQs? to help answer your toughest questions. This month’s column addresses your questions about prior
edit post Editor’s Note–April 2022 by ANDREA SPRIDGEN April 1, 2022 In this issue we explore ways practitioners approach providing care for patients through adolescence, and how, just as in
While fitting hundreds of cranial remolding orthoses a year, I have encountered confounding problems that are more time-consuming to address than fitting helmets on wiggly infants. These problems are certainly
The needs of pediatric O&P patients can be dramatically different than those of adults. This also holds true for the types of innovations that specialists look to for the future
The space between childhood and adulthood can be tricky to navigate—for the growing patients, their parents, and O&P practitioners who can sometimes get caught in the middle. As child patients
When the American Academy of Pediatrics implemented the Back to Sleep Program in 1992 to decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, researchers and clinicians began to see a
In 2019, stand-up comedian and actor DJ Pryor recorded an interaction with his son while they were watching the season finale of the TV show Empire. Pryor’s son was 19
O&P has always reminded me of the movie Braveheart. There are small, medium, and large clans that all want to survive and prosper. These clans sometimes quarrel with each other
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