Hi Richard
Take a look at the radius of the medial shelf. I’ve found that a slopping
shelf is more comfortable on the soft tissue than a defined “roll out” to a
flat horizontal surface. If this explaination is hard to visualize give me a
Brian Gustin CP.
—–Original Message—–
From: ecat
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 1998 2:51 AM
Subject: medial wall pain
>A quick question : a patient suffers extreme discomfort at proximal medial
>wall in an AK modified quad socket. Eliminate the possibility of Adductor
>tendon relief inadequacy, too high medial brim or ischial seat not being
>horizontal in the transverse plane.
>Do you people have any other clues as to how I troubleshoot this one?
>(this guy is too dumb) Richard Ziegeler P&O