Hi there fellow Orthotists.
I have been asked by a surgeon to obtain a “Dynasplint” to treat a knee
flexion conrtacture of about 25-30 degrees. The patient also has an
Ilizorov bone lengthening device on the lower leg of the affected side.
I can obtain one but they are very expensive.
I have two questions.
1. I’d like to hear from anyone who has used the dynasplint in this
kind of situation. Any tips would be appreciated.
2. I can also obtain a “Pro-glide Dynamic ROM Knee Orthosis” or a
“SP Rom knee Orthosis” (LMB/DeRoyal). I suspect that either of
these would be suitable(with some modification) and would like to
hear from anyone who has used either of these devices in
this kind of situation.
Thank you
I am happy to display the results.
Shane Jansen
New Zealand