A couple of weeks ago our Physiatrist was vacationing in Aruba and he
cut out an article in the local newspaper titled “Brace helps
paraplegics walk”
In the article it states that a device developed by a team from Twente
University of Technology and R&D Institute at Het Roessingh
rehabilitation center in Enschede (Netherlands) is more versatile and
easier to transport than previous braces used for paraplegics.
Apparently this brace is to be marketed under the name SEPRIX (
Separable Reciprocator with Intelligent Knee Stabilization).
Does anyone know about this brace and have they used it in their
practice? What does it look like and how does it differ from an RGO or
bilateral KAFO’s or bilateral HKAFO’s.
David Filipovic C.O. (c).
Sudbury Regional Hospital
Sudbury, Ontario