Thanks to everyone that responded to my request for information on shoulder
subluxation orthoses. All the responses are greatly appreciated. In case
anyone is interested, these are what I have received so far. (keep ’em
Ernie Hobbs,ATC
I had a football player dislocate his shoulder a couple of years ago and I
put him in a device from the Saunders Group that worked quite well. This
company specializes in equestrian products, but also does some athletic
products as well. The appliance has a breathable vest that fits over the
athlete’s torso and then has several neoprene straps attached that help to
stabilize the shoulder. I hope this helps. You can give me a call or
e-mail me , and I will look up the phone number of the company for you.
David McAllister, MS, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer
Cary Academy
1500 N. Harrison Avenue
Cary, NC 27513
(919) 677-3873 ext. 4862
Fax: (919) 677-4002