To OANDP-L subscribers:
Jaoquin Oropeza raises in his letter the question of a mobil workshop
which travels to the patient. I have been involved in several projects
esp. in Africa where similar ideas where considered. In every case it
was found to be more efficient if the patient travels to the workshop.
Even if it means having to run a small bus service to collect if travel
really is a problem and to provide a couple of rooms for those patients
to stay in.
A prosthesis is simply not completed overnight and there are other
questions to consider such as walking training.
However, the idea comes up over and over again. Does anybody know of a
successful operation where the workshop travels to the patients and O/P
are fitted/supplied in rural areas.
I would be gradeful to hear about your experiences. My present workplace
is in Beijing, PR China. However, working for the German Technical
Cooperation means to uprute every few years and face a new challenge.
To Mr. Oropeza: There is a collegue of mine, Heinz Trebbin, in San
Salvator. You can reach him under [email protected]. Maybe he is a good
man to talk to.
Regards Michael Mais