Partial foot amputees !
This is for me the start on the amputee listserv and it is most
exiting. I am a partial footamputee from a tram accident in
Helsingborg, Sweden, 1925. This amputation seems to be a very small
handicap but for at least some of us it is not true. I myself have had
problems from time to time and are eager to be in contact with other
partial foot amputees and share their experiences.
My homepage is http://www.nada.kth.se/~f93-nmo/farfars.html
I have just read the most interesting article Diana, landmines and
amputees in the November issue of Amputation Online Magazine written by
Ian Gregson.
It gaves a new aspect on the important question: How to increase the
possibilities of participation by serviceconsumers in the
medical/technical process. How to make the amputee less vulnerable in
the cooperation with the superior professionals ?
I have myself started in a humble way with a dialog throug e-mail with
other partial foot amputees in the assurance of the necessity to learn
from each other. Not seldom are the improvements results of our own or
of our familymembers endeavours.
I agree with Ian, that IT is a most promising instrument to make this
dialog between us amputees and also professionals a reality.
Therefore, welcome to make contact !
Karl Montan, Sweden.