Have recently been requested to do an immediate post-op prosthesis
utilizing Elastoplast. This patient is a 46 year old gentleman,
approximately 6’2″ and 230 pounds who originally required amputation surgery
in February following a motorcycle accident and is now undergoing revision
surgery to clean up the residual limb, close up a large non-healing area
posteriorly, and make the residuum more appropriate for prosthetic use.
Hyperbaric treatments have been unsuccessful. Patient is also an
insulin-dependent diabetic on dialysis.
I have done numerous IPOP dressings in my career, and I am very familiar with
Elastoplast. The physician is an excellent orthopedic surgeon and this will
be my first opportunity of working with him. Admittedly, I did not want to
appear misinformed when he asked me if I could obtain Elastoplast and use it
for the “weightbearing IPOP”.
But am I missing something???? Since Elastoplast obviously must be used in
conjunction with some other material in order to obtain a rigid socket, what
purpose does the Elastoplast serve? Should it be used for the original wrap
over the sterile sock and with the intention of providing the compression??
If so, isn’t it rather difficult to work with in that context? I had
intended to do a fiberglass cast originally before this “wrench in the
machinery” so to speak.
Time is of the essence in this situation, but if anyone has ever used
Elastoplast in this context or can give me any insight into this type of
situation, I would greatly appreciate it. I know I could always break down
and just ask the surgeon what he had in mind but, let’s face it, what fun
would that be!!
Will be happy to post subsequent responses (provided I can figure out
how–computers are admittedly not my thing).
Thank you all in advance.