Walk On: Prosthetic Success for Geriatric Patients
Successful, goal-oriented amputee rehabilitation is seldom based on a simple formula. Regardless of age, each patient presents unique and often...
Osteoporosis: Orthoses Match Wits with the ‘Silent Thief’
"Persons with osteoporosis ...will expire prematurely if they cannot be managed for pain and lack of mobility. Currently there are...
Bra Ladies? Not on Your Life!
Breast-prosthesis scanner technology. Photographs courtesy of the American Association of Breast Care Professionals (AABCP). One in eight. By now, that...
Numbers Support the Need, Individuals Support the Growth
The numbers say a lot. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than 39 million people aged 65...
Endeavor Games Bring Together Elites and Beginners
Young athletes await competition at the 2009 Endeavor Games. Photograph courtesy of UCO Photographic Services. The Endeavor Games came back...
Go Almost Anywhere: Wheelchairs Enable Users to Navigate a Variety of Terrains
Wheelchairs can open the door to mobility and independence—quite the opposite of what is implied in such common expressions as...
Billing and Collections Q&A
Denials are difficult to identify and time consuming to appeal. When you have a question, turn to 'Got FAQs?' to...