We’ve Come a Long Way, but There’s More Work to be Done
The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) has brought federal and local issues important to those in the limb-loss community to...
Expert Witness in Litigation, Life Care Planning: Should This Be Part of Your Practice?
"They told me he wouldn't make it." With a catch in her voice, Cathy Speciale Culver of Lusby, Maryland, describes...
Tiny AFOs: Bracing for Premature Babies
When you see the tiny bootie in the palm of Ken Kane's hand, it's not surprising to learn that he...
Building Function, Building Hope: Orthotic Management of Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury
Life, as they say, can turn on a dime. One of the everyday pleasures in a child's life—a car trip,...
Coming Full Circle: Jack Richmond’s Team in Training
Jack Richmond, CFo, is a runner. And, he wears a prosthesis in place of his right foot and lower leg....
Optimizing Care When Tragedy Strikes
When serious illness or injury happens, it's difficult for patients, family, and loved ones alike. But when the illness or...
Miracles on a Mountainside
VA Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs, Tammy Duckworth, takes to the slopes at the 24th National Disabled Veterans...
Choosing Shoes for Children
When it comes to children's footwear, we may have to re-examine the notion of what we consider to be "good...
The Finish Line
As I complete the final semester of my bachelor of applied science degree in orthotics and prosthetics at the J....
Got FAQs?
Denials are difficult to identify and time consuming to appeal. Count on "Got FAQs?" to help keep your O&P billing...