Winning the Weight Fight: One Patient’s Success Story
Casting. Photographs courtesy of Bio-Medic Appliances, Essex Junction, Vermont. Losing weight is often more than simply wanting to look your...
Jessica’s Patient Inspired Solution
EDGE Direct This success story is about balance and gait training for a four-year-old with a diagnosis of hypertonicity, spastic...
A New Mission of Hope in Belize
Ninety percent of the world have access to only 10 percent of the world's medical resources, according to the International...
Weighing In: Help Your Patients Fight Obesity and Win!
Everywhere we turn, we are urged to exercise and get fit. Never before has there been so much readily available...
Return to Combat
A commitment to duty, advances in prosthetics technology, and changes in the rehabilitative model of care are enabling some soldiers...
Society Spotlight: Managing the Aging Adult Prosthesis Candidate
We live in an ever-changing world, but as the years pass, it seems that the rate at which change occurs...
Questions Answered, Promises Kept
Our cover story this month began with a question-a couple of questions actually. Over the last several years, we have...
Ski Spectacular Highlights “Healing Power of Sports”
What a difference a year makes. This is especially true for Ornichleel "Leel" Ulysse, who, one year ago this month,...
A Dynamic Approach to Managing Partial Foot Amputees
When treating partial foot amputees, practitioners are faced with several issues. First and foremost is limb preservation. This is achieved...
Roger Thomas: A Light-Year Leap
From left: Waldo Esparza, CP, and Roger Thomas flash the "hang-loose" sign. Photograph courtesy of Tampa Bay Prosthetics. Roger Thomas...