Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ground reaction forces and AFO’s

Derek Kozar

Hello all O&P ers!

I am a first year student in the Clinical Methods in P&O at George Brwon

College in Toronto, Canada. We have recently been debating about GRF’s,

line of action, moments created, three point pressure systems etc., while

wearing an anterior dorsiflexion stop AFO. They have also been called floor

reaction braces in some literature.

I have been searching med-line and elsewhere to find someone who has

quantified any parameters relating to this type of orthosis, and have yet to

find anything! Quite a bit of work has been completed by Lehmann et al. with

typical plantar resist AFO’s, but nothing else.

My question is, can anyone help me locate some literature? Or has there not

been any analysis on this type of brace. Is anyone currently working on

research in this area??

I would be interested in hearing your opinions and comments about this brace.


Derek Kozar, M.Sc.


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