This article addresses information presented in the recently published article “Accelerating Outcomes Measurement in Clinical Practice With Fitbit” (Allie Cerutti, The O&P EDGE, March 2016. The premise of Cerutti’s article is correct: Access to objective, accurate, real-world patient walking data has clear value in O&P clinical practice. However, we feel the article’s conclusion that Fitbit® is accurate and clinically relevant for O&P patients is questionable. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) previously completed evaluations on the Fitbit as an activity monitor in this capacity, which we would like to make O&P practitioners aware of. Additionally, the way in which supporting evidence for Cerutti’s conclusions was presented does not provide a thorough analysis of Fitbit as a clinical tool. It is crucial that providers use the most appropriate, evidence-based tools to support delivery of optimal care for our patients.
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