April 2016
edit post Study: Lit Review, Meta-analysis for TTA Prosthetic Interventions by The O&P EDGE April 1, 2016 Considering the cost and complexity of transtibial amputation (TTA) rehabilitation, high-quality literature should
edit post Study: Lit Review, Meta-analysis for TTA Prosthetic Interventions by The O&P EDGE April 1, 2016 Considering the cost and complexity of transtibial amputation (TTA) rehabilitation, high-quality literature should
When she’s wearing pants, no one would guess that Shanna Decker has a prosthesis, much less that she had her left knee and part of her femur amputated many years
Everyone knows it’s hard to keep up with kids; they outgrow clothes and interests overnight, and they seem to move at light speed in all directions at once. Keeping pace
PERHAPS MORE THAN ANY OTHER POPULATION SEEN WITHIN ORTHOTIC PRACTICE, PATIENTS WITH CP REQUIRE TEAM MANAGEMENT. Introduction In contemplating writing an article on the management of cerebral palsy (CP), I
As any parent who has ever tried to explain to a five-year-old why he or she cannot wear a favorite pair of shorts when it’s snowing outside can attest, children
Calder Hodge was born ten years ago without a fibula in either leg. But don’t think for a moment that has slowed the Texas youngster down. Since Calder’s three older
Billing for O&P devices seems to get more complicated by the day. Count on Got FAQs? to help answer your toughest questions. This month’s column addresses your questions about billing
Modifying the plaster model of an AFO is not difficult, and since AFOs are the most common device fabricated in most O&P fabrication facilities, it is vital to do it
O&P is viewed by insurers as a product-driven industry-as in, we deliver products to patients. But there is also a service component. Medicare requires that beneficiaries receive three months of
More than 850 practitioners and physical and occupational therapists traveled to Las Vegas to attend the Hanger Education Fair and National Meeting, February 1-5. In addition to providing continuing education
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