Has anyone read this article or have knowledge of the publisher? https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__newsinteractive.post-2Dgazette.com_prosthetics_&d=DwIFJg&c=pZJPUDQ3SB9JplYbifm4nt2lEVG5pWx2KikqINpWlZM&r=pVyaAUHOR6gxxThvjGI9X7hrz_ONYByMAadML4fTENI&m=3_qG1O1oEKDWNuDb-rllKJNiDnSjPvKQPx3B9RRjNDE&s=0N-FiEVN4jP-iw1ojWo_dpun34C0EczrjLT-MxXjey0&e=
A hard path to walk – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
$B!H (BI want to be walking, a little bit anyway, even if I only take baby steps, $B!I (B 74-year-old Beatrice Hines said. $B!H (BIf I get the right fit. $B!I (B Getting the right fit …
Greg Armstrong, CPO/L
Chief Orthotist Prosthetist
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
1 Children $B!G (Bs Way $B!| (B Slot 104 $B!| (B Little Rock, AR 72202
(501) 364-2262 direct $B!| (B (501) 364-1192 office $B!| (B (501) 364-3564 $B!| (B fax
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