Hello Colleagues,
We are located in a rural hospital that is also a regional trauma center. We see our share of acute spinal injuries. A custom bivalved TLSO is the brace of choice. We do not have the ability to fabricate custom orthoses on site. As a result, we take detailed measurements and have these fabricated overnight by a respected lab. The problem is weekends and holidays. Depending on when the order is placed, the pt may wait up to three days before the brace is applied. This is expensive down time for the hospital as pt can’t be mobilized until the brace is applied and because of DRG’s the hospital is anxious to get these pt’s moving as quickly as possible toward discharge. I’m wondering if there is a quicker way without jeopardizing pt care?
This brings me to my questions (finally). Does anyone have experience with any prefab systems that we can stock on site (preferably on consignment), that are comparable to traditional TLSO’s for serious spinal fx’s? If so, are they really comparable in the support and control they provide? Do they fit most of your pt’s? (We grow them large in this neck of the woods). How does the cost compare to what we are doing? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance. I will be glad to post the replies.
Mark Seibel CPO
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