Dear Mike
You can purchase a prefabricated Maternity Support from either:
Smith & Nephew, Inc., called Rolyan Maternity Support, catalogue # A551001
(small-medium) or A551002 (large-x large) (Canada 800-363-5723; US
800-228-3693) OR
AliMed, called Mother-To-Be Moldable Back and Abdominal Support #R6981.
Alternatively, you can make a custom support following the instructions described
in “Orthotics in Rehabilitation: Splinting the Hand and Body” by McKee and
Morgan, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1998 (you can go to the publisher’s website to see
a description of the book at If you want the instructions, send
me your fax number and I’ll fax them to you. I’ve used this custom one myself and
made it for other pregnant women. It works very well. It’s a variation of a lumbar
support prevents undue movement of the pelvic joints due to ligamentous laxity
and supports some of the weight of the fetus to relieve strain on the lumbar spine.
Pat McKee, M.Sc., O.T.(C),
Assistant Professor,
Department of Occupational Therapy,
University of Toronto
I had an OBGYN refer someone to our office for a Prenatal Cradle
Truncal Support. I called some of my colleagues but no one seems to know
where to get this item. I am aware of the Mother-To-Be device. Does
know where to get the Prenatal Cradle Support?
Mike O’Donnell, CPO