Please address your interest to Peter Bednar.
A Prosthetist Grade 1 ( Degree /deploma in prosthetics/ orthotics) is
required at the Hunter Rehabilitation Service, Newcastle NSW.
Australia, who has the following skills: Sufficient technical skills
to manufacture, fit and repair prosthetic devices. Ability to talk
with clients requiring professional assistance. Preparedness to work
as a team member. Verbal and written communication skills. For further
information please contact Peter Bednar at HRS on Ph IDD- 61- 2
49561022 Fax IDD- 61-2-49562224 PS Email address not available.
John Cumbo, Prosthetist, REHAB Tech
Tel: 61 3 9528 1960, Fax: 61 3 95281077,
e-mail:[email protected]