List Members:
We still need your assistance! A few weeks back the Rehab Engineering
Program at Rancho Los Amigos, posted a note requesting your valuable
assistance for a research survey study. We are most grateful to the 10 or
so respondees thus far, but believe there must be many more COs who have
been involved in the treatment of children with myelomeningocele.
The survey can be completed directly at the home page of O&P Online at or at the home page of the Rehab Engineering Program
at It will take you a few minutes to
complete the survey.
We hope that by quantifying general application trends that exist today, we
will gain a better understanding of where AFO improvements are most needed
and how the use of novel composite materials can be best employed.
Your survey will be of great value to us! Thanks in advance.
Adrian Polliack, PhD
Carin Caves, CO
Richard Fite, CP
Sarah Elliott, Research Fellow
Rancho Rehabilitation Engineering Program
Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center
7503 Bonita Street, Downey, CA 90242 USA
Tel: (562) 401-7994
Fax: (562) 803-6117