—–Original Message—–
From: ecat
Date: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 6:09 PM
Subject: Steroids and BK Skin
>G’day all.
>I have a bilateral BK patient (78.y.o.lady) whom I have successfully fitted
>with 3-S limbs for some four-five years now. This in itself is not
>remarkable, except that “Ivy” has had severe Rheumatoid Arthritis for about
>forty years. Typically, she has been treated with cortico-steroid type
>medication (Prednisolone) for much of that time, which has played merry
>hell with her metabolism and skin condition.
>We have had to constantly deal with a succession of volumetric changes in
>the residua AND local and general skin conditions including ulcers, rashes
>and irritations all of which interfere with her prosthetic fit and
>function. The effects of rashes and irritations are minimised by use of the
>silicon-skin preps recommended for use with the silicon liners but….
>Cortisone, in my experience, can seriously affect an amputees chances
>because skin integrity is jeopardised; skin becomes tissue thin and
>in-elastic. This, combined with the volumetric changes due to fluid
>imbalances is a dangerous scenario. I would appreciate any thoughts on this
>and suggestions that could improve “Ivy’s” chances.
>Richard Ziegeler P&O
>Hi Richard
I don’t think you can do much about the affects of the steroids on the skin.
However for the ever changing volume you might investigate some of the
pneumatic bladders that have appeared on the market. I have not used any to
give an opinion, maybe somebody else can.
Good Luck
Brian L. Gustin CP.