I have an AK patient who weighs about 350 pounds. He wears a hip joint,
pelvic band, and waist belt for suspension. About every six months he brings
the prosthesis in with the pelvic band (stainless) broken, or one component of
the hip joint broken. I am using the black clevis type joint- not sure the
manufacturer, bit it is the strongest one I can find. He brought the
prosthesis in the other day with the pelvic band broken again and the hip
joint cracked, (the center screw is cracked, no nylatron washers and the the
joint head is fracturered). I can’t seem to find this hip joint anywhere and
I am told it is no longer manufacturered- Anyone know it’s manufacturer or if
it is available any longer and where to get on? I have found a heavy duty
joint from Hosmer, but it is not the same joint and doesn’t look as strong as
this black alloy joint. Also, any suggestions for components that may hold up
longer for this patient. He is Medicaid funded and has no other source of
funding for these repeated “break-downs”.
Thanks in advance for any advice and/or sources.
Jerry Nelson CPO